Friday, 3 March 2017

What are some differences between organic and conventional foods

Differences between Organic and Conventional Food

Differences between Organic and Conventional Food
Organic food has recently gained immense popularity recently so much so that the demand beats the supply by a huge margin. People who used to have digestive problems are no longer complaining of them and are saying that they discovered organic food products way late. They have also started spreading awareness about organic products and are recommending more and more people to try them out. All this is essential for us, to live better lives and it is all very beneficial for the farmers too. They refused the conventional foods because they wanted to grow healthy crops instead of crops that contain pesticides which may lead to health problems.

The differences:

1. Chemicals involved: Conventional food is the food that is grown with the involvement of traditionally used artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or genetically modified organisms. These make the crops grow faster but are very harmful for the soil and the people consuming the food. 

Organic food and crops, on the other hand do not involve use of these harmful chemicals and thus are much healthier and use humus and manure to improve the quality of soil. They are also less likely to cause health problems later.on.

2. Quality of food: Organic food looks and tastes better than conventional foods because not only has it been grown organically-without the involvement of chemicals and pesticides- it does not have any preservatives too. Preservatives are also a form of chemicals used to increase an edible item’s shelf life. Preservatives increase the life of the product but have a bad impact on it’s quality.

3. Cost: This has several aspects that one must understand. Conventional foods cost much less than organic foods because they grow fast. Organic crops and products are grown in significantly smaller amounts than their conventional counterparts. This means a higher production, maintenance and transport cost. Also, the farmers are devoting themselves to the cause of growing healthy food. That in itself is a commendable feat.

4. Nutritional content: The nutritional value of organic and conventional foods is mostly equal. However, organic foods have higher nutrition when it comes to dairy products. They have upto 50% more nutrients than non-organic foods. This is a huge amount.

5. Environmental and general safety: As discussed above, organic foods are much safer than non-organic foods in the fact that they do not contain dangerous chemicals that are used in conventional foods and end up causing various health problems. Going organic means you are also promoting a greener tomorrow and are helping more farmers to go organic.


To wrap it all up, Organic food may be expensive than non-organic food but it is promoting a better environment and a healthier you. The only slight downside is the higher cost which is also acceptable if your health is the one on the shorter stick. The choice should be obvious to everyone but still people continue ignoring organic food in favour of conventional food which is disrupting their body’s functioning.

We provide organic food products at incredible prices. All products are of top-quality and will definitely improve your life. 
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